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This pair of shoes was rendered with iPad. It was done in class and since it was my first render with iPad, I was quite unfamiliar with the settings.

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This watch was my second piece of work and I was pretty satisfied with it as there was improvement from the shoes.

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Trophy was designed on Fusion 3D. It was cad out then rendered.

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Document Tray

The documentary tray was designed on Fusion 3D. It was cad out then rendered. The tray has 3-tiers with rods holding them together.

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Ergonomic Chair

These chair was designed on Fusion 3D. It was cad out then rendered. The curve back of the chair suits and fits our human back nice and comfortably and the curve at the hips is design suitably for our resting position

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Robotic wheelchair

The robotic wheelchair was design on Fusion 3D. The purpose of it is to help the elderly with better transportation. The wheelchair was designed to be able to move around with a joystick, and adding on a heating seat and backrest where the temperature can be adjusted. Sensors are placed in the head of the chair to sense any steps or people around to alert the user.

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Pedbike is a cycling machine that I innovated onto of the current ones. It isn't as bulky as the normal ones and is more simplistic for the user to use. The inner wall on the pedal prevents the user from hurting themselves while exercising.

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